Please fill out the form below with your patient registration details.
"*" indicates required fields
By signing this form, I acknowledge that:
I give permission for my carer/relative/friend to discuss my personal information (e.g. appointments, invoices, medical information) with clinic staff and I give permission for Vision Eye Institute to provide this information to my carer/relative/friend.
Vision Eye Institute is a private ophthalmology clinic and there will be costs associated with your appointment that relate to diagnostic testing required by your doctor to assess your eyes. The cost of these tests is not always claimable through Medicare and is payable in full on the day of the appointment. Consultation fees are eligible for a Medicare rebate if you have a current referral letter from your GP or optometrist.
By signing this form, you acknowledge that fees are payable on the same day.
Please advise staff if you do not agree to any of the above.
PLEASE NOTE: For this form to be submitted, you must click the 'Submit' button below – you will then be redirected to a 'Thank you' page.