Dr Nima Pakrou Ophthalmologist

Dr Nima Pakrou MBBS(Hons) MMed FRANZCO

Dr Nima Pakrou


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Dr Nima Pakrou is an experienced ophthalmologist, with expertise across a range of eye conditions. He completed his initial training at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital and his subspecialty training in the UK. Dr Pakrou’s subspecialties include medical retinal diseases (e.g. macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy), cataract surgery (including complex cataract surgery), eyelid (lacrimal) surgery and intraocular inflammation (e.g. uveitis).

Career highlights


  • Lecturer and examiner, Australian College of Optometry
  • Organisation of third-year medical student ophthalmology teaching program (2005–2006)
  • Regularly involved in teaching doctors, medical students and optometry students

Other professional achievements

  • Consultant Ophthalmologist, the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, the Alfred Hospital and Launceston General Hospital

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists


  • University of Adelaide Medal for outstanding academic merit

Education & training

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery with Honours, University of Adelaide, South Australia
  • Master of Medicine in Ophthalmic Science, University of Sydney, New South Wales
  • Ophthalmology training, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Victoria
  • Fellowship in medical retina and uveitis, Bristol Eye Hospital, UK
  • Fellowship in ophthalmic plastic surgery, Nottingham University Hospital, UK

Additional languages spoken

  • Persian

Personal life

Outside of work, Dr Pakrou is a keen gardener and loves to get out into the outdoors with his two dogs. He also enjoys running, the gym, and has a passion for travel and discovering new cultures.

Read more publications
  • Posterior approach ptosis surgery.

    BOPSS annual meeting Leiceister UK (2012)
  • Latrogenic induced eye disease (2 case presentations).

    RANZCO Victorian branch meeting (2008)
  • Causes & outcomes of corneal perforations at the Eye and Ear Hospital 1997-2007.

    RANZCO conference (2007)
  • South Australian Adolescent Ophthalmic Sun Protective Behaviours.

    RANZCO conference (2005)
  • A Comparison of Multifocal Objective Perimetry and Humphrey Full-Threshold Perimetry in Optic Neuritis.

    RANZCO conference (2005)
  • Assessment of the ICare tonometer and comparison with Goldmann applanation tonometry.

    RANZCO conference (2005)


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