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A pterygium – pronounced as ter-ig-e-um – is a fleshy triangular growth that develops when an eye is regularly exposed to bright sunlight and wind. Pterygium means wing-shaped in latin.

Pterygium development is most strongly associated with environmental factors, especially exposure to UV radiation. It’s common in people who spend a lot of time outdoors in sunny and windy conditions, especially surfers. Hence the condition’s other name – Surfer’s Eye. Pterygia are also commonly seen in welders.

Pterygium is a usually harmless condition affecting the ‘skin’ of the eye (the conjunctiva), typically on the side closest to the nose. If it grows across the cornea, it can cause scarring and sometimes loss of vision. The growth may also distort the shape of the cornea, causing vision problems (e.g. astigmatism).

One or both eyes can be affected and it’s more common in people between 20 and 40 years. Men are usually more likely to develop a pterygium than women.

Diagnosing a pterygium is usually straightforward using a slit lamp – a microscope with a bright, intense light that allows the ophthalmologist to examine the surface of the eye.

A pterygium can go unnoticed for many years, or it may be dismissed as a general irritation of the eye. As it progresses, it can start to spread across the cornea. Common symptoms include:

  • Localised redness
  • Irritation
  • Itching
  • Foreign-body sensation
  • Corneal scarring

Some people with a pterygium may find it difficult to wear contact lenses, while others dislike the look of the growth on their eye and may seek surgical treatment to have it removed.

Is this condition cancerous?

No, a pterygium is a benign growth and usually harmless. However, in some cases it may harbour cancerous cells.

What causes a pterygium?

It is not known exactly what causes a pterygium to develop, but dusty, sandy and sunny environments (with high UV exposure) are contributing factors.


For a full reference list, visit the pterygium FAQ page.

Book a consultation

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Some services may not be performed by your preferred doctor or at your preferred clinic. We will confirm this with you before making an appointment.


In many cases, pterygium treatment involves the use of simple eye drops to manage symptoms, such as inflammation, mild pain, itching or a feeling of having grit in the eye. Pterygium treatment for a minor irritation includes eye drops or ointments that help to lubricate and soothe the cornea. For severe inflammation, you may be prescribed a short course of steroid eye drops. These medications only ease the symptoms and are not a cure.

Pterygium surgery

If the growth is significant and continues to spread across the cornea or causes other problems, pterygium removal is usually recommended to eliminate associated symptoms and avoid adverse effects on vision. Some people choose to have pterygium surgery for cosmetic reasons. Using modern micro-surgical techniques, the surgeon will carefully remove the pterygium. It is replaced with a graft of healthy tissue taken from the same eye, which is fixed into place using stitches and/or special glue. There is a chance that the condition may recur following pterygium surgery, but the process of grafting helps to prevent this.


  • When outdoors, wear good-quality, wrap-around sunglasses as recommended by an optometrist. Choose sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard and have an EPF UV rating of either 9 or 10.
  • Surfers and others involved in water sports should always wear sunglasses during these activities.
  • A wide-brimmed hat will also protect your eyes from sun and wind exposure.

The information on this page is general in nature. All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks. Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.

Date last reviewed: 2024-10-22 | Date for next review: 2026-10-22

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