Dr Rushmia Karim Ophthalmologist

Dr Rushmia Karim BSc MBBS MMed(OphthSc) MMed(ClinEpi)(Hons) Genomics(PGcert) FRCOphth FRANZCO

Dr Rushmia Karim
BSc MBBS MMed(OphthSc) MMed(ClinEpi)(Hons) Genomics(PGcert) FRCOphth FRANZCO


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Dr Rushmia Karim is a UK-trained ophthalmologist with over 10 years of experience. She specialises in children’s eye health and is a skilled surgeon, performing cataract, lens and strabismus (squint) surgery in both adults and children. She also has a special interest in neuro-ophthalmology (nerve-related vision problems).

Dr Karim trained in the highly regarded London ophthalmology vocational program including the world-famous Moorfields Eye Hospital. She also completed the prestigious Moorfields Eye Hospital fellowship program in paediatrics and squint surgery. Prior to her return to Sydney, Dr Karim was the Head of the Paediatric Eye Service at the distinguished Prince Charles Eye Unit at the Royal Berkshire Hospital Trust, Reading, UK.

Dr Karim has been extensively involved in research. She has published numerous papers in prestigious journals and has presented her research at conferences around the world.

She is fluent in Bengali.

Download a copy of Dr Rushmia Karim’s profile here

Career highlights


  • RANZCO college examiner: Physiology
  • RANZCO Public Health committee member
  • RANZCO Women in Ophthalmology (WOI) Speaker Bureau member
  • Former Educational and clinical supervisor, Vocational ophthalmology program, Oxford Deanery
  • Former Examiner, Royal College of Ophthalmologists, UK
  • Former Panel member, Ophthalmology Vocational Training Program, UK
  • Former online e-learning course contributor in ophthalmology, Plymouth University
  • Former Duke Elder examination revision course tutor, Paediatric ophthalmology, Imperial College School of Medicine Ophthalmology Society
  • Former Ophthalmic International Tutor, University of Sydney Master of Medicine (Ophthalmic Science)
  • Former Ophthalmic Anatomy Tutor, University of Sydney Master of Medicine (Ophthalmic Science)
  • Former Evidence-based Medicine Tutor, 1st and 2nd year postgraduate Medicine, University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and School of Public Health
  • Former Problem-based learning tutor, 1st year postgraduate Medicine, Concord General Repatriation Hospital Clinical School, New South Wales
  • Former Clinical Associate Lecturer – Medicine, Concord Repatriation General Hospital Clinical School

Committee/board memberships

  • Expert panel member, Paediatric Ophthalmology, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
  • Former member, Child protection and safeguarding committee, Moorfields Eye Hospital and Royal Berkshire Hospital Trust

Other professional achievements

  • Permanent peer reviewer, Dove Medical Press, Publications peer reviewed for Clinical Ophthalmology, Clinical Audit and Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
  • Former peer reviewer: Reviews for Ophthalmology, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Archives of Ophthalmology and BMJ Case Reports
  • Best presentation: ESCRS management of patients with Herpetic eye disease undergoing cataract surgery in the United Kingdom: A survey. European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons: ESCRS Winter Meeting, Warsaw, 2013

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, United Kingdom
  • Member of the British & Irish Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Association (BIPOSA)
  • Member of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS)
  • Member of the Australian Medical Association
  • ISA: International Strabismological Association
  • WSPOS: World Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
  • NICE: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
  • GMC: General Medical Council
  • Cochrane committee member

Community involvement & charitable work

Dr Karim is a strong advocate for children’s health and safety. She was a panel member for the Children’s Safeguarding Team at Moorfields Eye Hospital for three years and at Royal Berkshire Hospital Trust. She holds the highest certification in safeguarding in the UK and has considerable skills in child welfare and protection.

In addition, it was Dr Karim's dedication to high-quality research that helped secure her a prestigious appointment as an expert panel member with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). NICE is the foremost organisation promoting health and social care through evidence-based medicine in the UK.

Education & training

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, University of Sydney
  • Master of Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology) with Honours, University of Sydney
  • Master of Medicine (Ophthalmic Science), University of Sydney
  • PG Cert (Genomics) Imperial College London
  • Ophthalmology training with London Network, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London
  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, United Kingdom
  • Paediatric and Strabismus Fellowship, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London

Additional languages spoken

  • Bengali – বাংলা

Personal life

Dr Karim has been singing since she was a child, first performing with the Sydney Children’s choir, then the Sydney Graduate choir. Her highlight at the end of each year was singing the Messiah at the Sydney Town Hall at Christmas. She participated in this wonderful tradition for over a decade before she left for the United Kingdom. In London, she combined her love of singing and children’s health by singing with the London Doctors’ Choir every Christmas at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.

Apart from a love of singing and performing, Dr Karim enjoys maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with good food and great friends. She has been known to make an amazing lamb roast.

Research & publications

Dr Karim has an extensive research portfolio. She has performed and published systematic reviews including Cochrane reviews, randomised controlled studies and observational studies. This includes the Cochrane review, ‘Corneal collagen cross-linking for treating keratoconus’, which paved the way for the intervention to be funded by the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. This paper is widely used and referred to worldwide.

Dr Karim has travelled the world presenting her research findings and has chaired conference sessions as an expert researcher. She is currently interested in genomics medicine and eye disease, having recently completed a certificate in genomics at Imperial College, London.

  • Comment on: Safety of phakic intraocular collamer lens implantation in 95 highly myopic special-needs children

    Ceran BB, Yusuf IH, Karim R, et al.
    J Cataract Refract Surg Dec 2021;47(12):1605-1606.
    doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000852.
  • Optic atrophy in children: Current causes and diagnostic approach

    Jones R, Al-Hayouti H, [...] Karim R, et al.
    Eur J Ophthalmol. Nov 2020;30(6):1499-1505.
    doi: 10.1177/1120672119899378.
  • Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Nasolacrimal Sac

    Karim R, Ghabrial R, Lin B, Clinical Ophthalmology October 2009:3.587–591
  • Primary trabeculectomy with mitomycin C: safety and efficacy at 2 years

    Lusthaus JA, Kubay O, Karim R, Wechsler D, Booth F, Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology June 2010;38(9):831-8.
  • Use of antivascular endothelial growth factor for diabetic macular edema

    Karim R, Tang B. Clinical Ophthalmology May 2010:4 493–517
  • Conservative resection and adjuvant plaque brachytherapy for early stage conjunctival melanoma

    Karim R, Conway RM, Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2011; 39: 293–298
  • A comparison of external and endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy for acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction

    Karim R, Ghabrial R, Lynch TF, Tan B, Clinical Ophthalmology May 2011:5 979–989
  • Continuing Professional Development questions for Conjunctival Melanoma

    Karim R, Conway RM, Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology May 2011; 39: 379–380
  • Caution essential in quick pull technique (Letter)

    Karim R, Parmar D, Sykakis E, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery July 2012
  • Management of patients with herpes simplex virus eye disease having cataract surgery in the United Kingdom

    Sykakis E, Karim R, Parmar DN, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2013 Aug;39(8):1254-9
  • Interventions for the treatment of uveitic macular edema: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Karim R, Sykakis E, Lightman S, Fraser Bell S, Clinical Ophthalmology 2013:7 1109–1144.
  • HSV and Cataract: Survey finds practice variations in prophylaxis against recurrence of herpetic eye disease

    O’hEineachain R, ESCRS Euro Times, Volume 18 Issue 6 June 2013
  • Patient satisfaction following endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy: a quality of life study

    Jutley J, Karim R, Joharatnam N, Latif S Lynch TF, Olver JM Eye 2013 Sep;27(9):1084-9
  • Study of fluid ingress through clear corneal incisions following phacoemulsification with or without the use of a hydrogel ocular bandage: a prospective comparative randomised study

    Sykakis E, Karim R, Kinsella M Bogal M, Sandeep Patel, Parmar D, Acta Ophthalmologica May 2014: 92: e663–e666
  • Corneal collagen cross-linking for treating keratoconus. (Review)

    Sykakis E, Karim R, Evans JR, Bunce C, Amissah-Arthur KN, Patwary S, McDonnell PJ, Hamada S, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 3
Read more publications
  • Paediatric Emergencies

    Royal Society of Medicine, London, December 2019
  • Primary cataract extraction and IOL implantation in the uveitic paediatric population

    European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), Paris, 2019
  • Review of outcomes in paediatric uveitis patients undergoing primary intraocular lens implantation during cataract surgery

    Eposter, British & Irish Paediatric Opthamology & Strabisimus Association (BIPOSA), Manchester, 2018
  • Paediatric Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis impact of on quality of life using Quick Questionnaire

    Rapid fire presentation, BIPOSA, Hull, 2017
    Eposter, European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society (EPOS), Oxford, 2017
  • Diagnostic pathway of optic atrophy in the paediatric population

    Rapid fire presentation, EPOS, Oxford, 2017
    Eposter BIPOSA, Hull, 2017
  • Cochrane review: Optical interventions for nystagmus developing in the first year of life

    Eposter, BIPOSA, Hull, 2017
    Eposter, EPOS, Oxford, 2017
  • Cataract surgery management of complications

    Video presented at the ESCRS Meeting, London, 2014
  • Povidone iodine washing for Giant Fornix Syndrome

    British Oculoplastic Surgery Society (BOPSS), 2014
  • Efficacy of an educational intervention to improve adherence to NICE recommended follow up intervals for Glaucoma. Queens Hospital

    Poster at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Birmingham, 2014
  • Uveitic Macular Oedema, a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Poster at The Oxford Ophthalmological Congress, 2013
  • Management of patients with Herpetic eye disease undergoing cataract surgery in the United Kingdom: A survey

    ESCRS Winter Meeting, Warsaw, 2013
    Poster at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Liverpool, 2013
  • External versus Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy for Acquired Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction

    Sydney Eye Hospital Alumni Association Eighth Biennial Conference, 2010
    Poster at The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) 41st Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide, 2010
  • Conservative Resection and Adjuvant Plaque Brachytherapy for Early Stage Conjunctival Melanoma

    Sydney Eye Hospital Alumni Association Eighth Biennial Conference, 2010
    RANZCO 41st Annual Scientific Congress, Adelaide, 2010
    Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Conference, Sydney 2011
    Poster at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress, Birmingham, 2011
  • Anti-vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Diabetic Macular Oedema

  • A systematic review and meta-analysis

    RANZCO 41st Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2009
    Midlands Ophthalmic Society Annual Conference Birmingham, United Kingdom, Medical Retina, 2010
  • Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Nasolacrimal Sac

    Poster at RANZCO 41st Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2009
    London Ophthalmic Society Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom, 2011
  • Local presentations and regional teaching days

    Duke Elder Lecture Imperial course: Paediatric ophthalmology
    Phakomatosis, Queens Hospital regional teaching day
    FEVR: Presentation of the current medical literature: Moorfields Paediatric/Strabismus course
    Stargardt’s Disease, Moorfields Eye Hospital regional teaching day
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