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Recipe Recipe

Summer fruit porridge


Porridge with fresh orange, berries and nuts ion a bowl.

It’s hard to beat oats for breakfast – especially when you want a meal to keep you go-go-going throughout the day.

This recipe packs a nutritional punch, containing eye-loving nutrients, including vitamin C and selenium.

If a warm breakfast is not to your liking during summer, you can adapt this recipe to an overnight oats version and serve it chilled.

Simply combine the oats and your milk of choice in a lidded container or jar and stir thoroughly to combine. Cover and store overnight in the fridge. When you’re ready to eat, give the oats another stir, add the remaining ingredients and enjoy!

This recipe has been reproduced from The Macular Disease Foundation’s Macula Menu Cookbook, with kind permission.


1 cup rolled oats
125ml unsweetened
almond milk, plus extra,
to serve
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 orange, pith
removed, sliced into
75g fresh berries
2 Brazil nuts, finely
1 tbsp pomegranate arils
2 tsp pumpkin seeds


Step 1: Combine the oats, almond milk, cinnamon and 60ml
water in a small saucepan.

Step 2: Set the saucepan over medium to high heat; bring to a boil.

Step 3: Reduce heat and cook for 3–4 minutes (or until the porridge is thick and creamy) while stirring frequently.

Step 4: Transfer to a serving bowl. Top the porridge with the orange and berries. Sprinkle with Brazil nuts, pomegranate and pumpkin seeds. Drizzle over a little extra milk to serve.

A healthy diet helps your eyes. Read more about eating for good eye health.

Date last reviewed: 2023-12-12 | Date for next review: 2025-12-12

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