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Corneal conditions FAQs



How do I prevent corneal damage?

Corneal abrasions (scratches) are the most common type of eye injury. No matter how minor the injury seems, it’s important to see your doctor or optometrist to make sure it doesn’t develop into a bigger problem.

Always wear eye protection when working with hand tools to prevent a foreign object scratching or penetrating the cornea.

What are the signs of corneal damage?

Signs include irritation, watering, the sensation of foreign material in your eye, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, redness, swelling and pain. If your eye is injured, see your doctor or optometrist straight away to prevent complications, such as infection or scarring.

How do contact lenses contribute to corneal conditions?

If contact lenses are left in too long, there is a risk of corneal abrasion and infection. Poor hygiene can leave your cornea vulnerable to bacteria, fungi or parasites. Never reuse your contact lens solution and be sure to always clean the lenses and lens case properly.

You should always check the manufacturer’s guidelines or follow your optometrist’s advice regarding how to use and look after your contact lenses.

If you experience pain or inflammation, get your eye checked immediately. Always have your contact lenses reviewed regularly by an optometrist.

What if I have a family history of corneal dystrophies?

Corneal dystrophies are mostly asymptomatic in the early stages. Anyone with a genetic disposition should have their eyes regularly checked by an optometrist, who can refer you to an ophthalmologist if necessary.

The information on this page is general in nature. All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks. Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.

Date last reviewed: 2023-03-03 | Date for next review: 2025-03-03

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