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Medibank members’ offer


Vision Eye Institute is pleased to partner with Medibank.

Offer details

Medibank members with selected extras and packaged covers can receive 15% off their surgical fees* if they have their laser eye surgery performed by one of Vision Eye Institute’s specialist surgeons.

This offer applies to LASIK, ASLA or SMILE® procedures at any of our laser suites in Victoria, New South Wales or Queensland.

There’s no waiting period – upgrade your cover today and enjoy the 15% reduction on your laser eye surgery fees immediately.

Why Vision Eye Institute?

Vision Eye Institute is Australia’s largest private provider of ophthalmic services, currently operating 16 clinics and 4 laser suites across the eastern seaboard.

Our mission is to remain at the forefront of technology and clinical research to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. Due to the size of our organisation, we are able to ensure that our clinics are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art technology. Vision Eye Institute’s research unit is overseen by a full-time research coordinator, and our ophthalmologists are regularly invited to participate in international trials and present at international conferences. They are also heavily involved in teaching and examining medical students, optometry students and ophthalmology trainees.

Find out more

Call our dedicated telephone number for Medibank members (1800 65 75 85) to book a consultation or visit our laser eye surgery page.

Contact Medibank on 132 331 to check whether you qualify or visit their website.

*Excludes consultation fees.

SMILE® is a registered trademark of Carl Zeiss Meditec

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Laser eye surgery

The information on this page is general in nature. All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks. Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.

Date last reviewed: 2024-12-18 | Date for next review: 2026-12-18

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