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New patient and staff safety program


In Safe Hands, Vision Eye Institute's new quality and safety program, covers infection control, emotional wellbeing and service quality.

Vision Eye Institute is pleased to announce the launch of our new patient and staff safety program, In Safe Hands.

‘The health, safety and wellbeing of our patients, doctors and staff is our top priority,’ says James Thiedeman, Vision Eye Institute’s CEO. ‘That’s why we have launched the In Safe Hands program. It is our promise to anyone who works in or visits our facilities: we are doing all we can to protect their wellbeing.’

The program brings together under one banner Vision Eye Institute’s infection control procedures, measures to safeguard patients’ emotional wellbeing, and our commitment to delivering quality services.

‘Now, more than ever, people need to be confident the systems and processes are in place to provide a safe environment for their care,’ says Mr Thiedeman. ‘We’ve taken the guesswork out by detailing the key features of our commitment.’

From hand hygiene, protective equipment and cleaning, to handling patient confidentiality and feedback, In Safe Hands describes the practical measures Vision Eye Institute undertakes to ensure the safety of our patients and staff.

‘We want all our staff and patients to know: you are In Safe Hands with Vision Eye Institute.’

> Read more about In Safe Hands

The information on this page is general in nature. All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks. Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.

Date last reviewed: 2023-11-24 | Date for next review: 2025-11-24

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