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Our support staff shone at AUSCRS


As we reflect on the recent AUSCRS conference, we can’t help but feel immensely proud of our staff for their contributions to the program.

As always, our doctors did an incredible job presenting, moderating and chairing sessions. Dr Paul Athanasiov, Prof Colin Chan, Dr Uday Bhatt, A/Prof Michael Lawless, A/Prof Tim Roberts, Prof Gerard Sutton and A/Prof Abi Tenen – who are all seasoned presenters – shared their knowledge with flair.

But we would particularly like to highlight the contributions of our clinical and support staff – many of whom are not used to being in the spotlight. Among those who presented abstracts in the Support Services Program were our Clinical Research Co-ordinator Dr Chris Hodge and orthoptists Layla Moshriff, Michelle Phung, Sherrie Ronabio and Nicole Serra. All did a terrific job of sharing their expertise.

Nicole Serra reflected, ‘AUSCRS not only allowed me to hear about the latest developments in the industry, but to grow by stepping out of my comfort zone to present.’

‘Vision Eye Institute’s strong presence at the conference shows how committed we are to moving with the times and to supporting ongoing staff education.’

Layla Moshriff agreed that attending the conference was a great opportunity: ‘I feel so privileged to have been able to be at AUSCRS. It was a great experience and I gained loads of knowledge. Thanks to Vision Eye Institute for this opportunity.’

Some of our support staff in costume for their presentations.


We would also like to congratulate our National People and Culture Manager, Jacinta Goldsack, who was invited to give a 90-minute keynote address to management staff as part of the Support Program. In her presentation, entitled ‘The People Picture’, she covered important leadership topics, including:

    • values-driven, behaviour-based recruiting methods
    • probation and setting up new employees for success
    • the importance of two-way feedback conversations and how to have them, and
    • ongoing conversations and formal appraisals.

The session was a masterclass in people and culture management, and invited some great discussion and participation from the group.

Left: Jacinta Goldsack about to present her keynote address. Right: Jacinta and Greg Brown (our General Manager of Day Surgeries) at the Vision Hospital Group sponsored noticeboard.


Congratulations to all who presented and we can’t wait until the next conference!

Date last reviewed: 2023-11-24 | Date for next review: 2025-11-24

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