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Fact sheet Fact sheet

Patient outcomes


Vision Eye Institute

Clinical indicators for Vision Day Surgeries

Vision Eye Institute uses clinical indicators to measure outcomes of patient care in all of our day surgeries. This enables us, through the review of processes and procedures, to identify and improve all aspects of care, in order to constantly improve patient outcomes.

Clinical indicators measure the rates of incidents and allow us to identify those that are either below or above expected levels. Any areas of concern that are identified are then subject to further review and/or action (e.g. the development of quality improvement plans). Serious adverse clinical outcomes are reported and investigated.

Clinical risk and safety policies are reviewed regularly and updated as required.

Safety and quality data is collected to allow clinical care to be monitored over a period of time, and Hand Hygiene Compliance data is benchmarked against other healthcare organisations.

Vision Eye Institute actively monitors key clinical indicators, such as a fall or delayed discharge, to evaluate performance and outcomes. This data is collected, analysed and reported.

The information on this page is general in nature. All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks. Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.

Date last reviewed: 2020-10-08 | Date for next review: 2022-10-08

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