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Vision Eye Institute sites achieve perfect audit score


Day surgery nurse in scrubs adjusting theatre equipment
Vision Eye Institute is committed to providing all patients with access to high-quality facilities (both clinics and day surgeries) around the country.

In Australia, all day surgeries are required to meet the National Safety and Quality in Health Services Standards (NSQHSS). These Standards were put in place to keep patients safe and encourage a consistent level of quality in the delivery of healthcare services.

As an additional benchmark, the quality management systems in Vision Eye Institute day surgeries (and some of our clinics) have also been separately certified to the International Organization Standards (ISO 9001). ISO 9001 certification is not mandatory for Australian healthcare providers, but it is internationally recognised and a further testament to our dedication to delivering exceptional customer service.

Day surgery nurse holding an endoscopeAccreditation logos for NSQHS and ISO 9001

A number of our sites were recently assessed for recertification and passed with a perfect score:

The auditors were impressed with the excellent quality and safety systems and processes that Vision Eye Institute has in place, with no recommendations for improvement at any of our sites.

Congratulations to all staff involved with the recertification process, including the individual practice managers and their respective teams.

The information on this page is general in nature. All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks. Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.

Date last reviewed: 2024-06-07 | Date for next review: 2026-06-07

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