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Prof Colin Chan ABC News interview: Increasing dry eye in younger people

Prof Colin Chan


Dry eye disease is often thought of as an issue for older adults, but it’s increasingly affecting younger people – particularly children.

Prof Colin Chan, a corneal, cataract and refractive surgeon at Vision Eye Institute Chatswood and associate professor of ophthalmology at the University of Sydney, recently featured on an ABC PM podcast and ABC News article to shed light on this rising concern.

In these segments featuring a panel of eye health experts, Prof Chan discussed how increased screen time and reduced outdoor activity are contributing to dry eye symptoms in children and young adults. He also emphasised the importance of recognising the signs early and adopting preventative strategies to protect eye health.

‘Plenty of good quality sleep, eating a healthy diet high in omega 3 fatty acids and getting enough exercise are all ways of reducing the risk of dry eye disease,’ according to Professor Chan.

The ABC podcast includes real-life examples and practical advice, while the news article provides a detailed overview of the growing prevalence of dry eye in younger demographics and the steps parents can take to support their children’s eye health.

Professor Colin Chan is an internationally recognised expert in vision correction procedures, including laser eye surgery (LASIK, SMILE® pro and ASLA/PRK), refractive lens exchange and laser cataract surgery. Prof Chan also has expertise in the treatment of keratoconus and pterygium. He has more than two decades experience as an eye surgeon and has performed over 9,000 eye surgery procedures. He consults at Vision Eye Institute’s Chatswood clinic.

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Date last reviewed: 2024-12-18 | Date for next review: 2026-12-18

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