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Recipe Recipe

Ricotta-stuffed capsicums


Stuffed red pepper and red saucepan closeup shot

Welcome spring with bright colours and a boost to your eye health.


1 red capsicum

1 yellow capsicum

1 green capsicum

150 g ricotta cheese

150 g cherry tomatoes (halved)

1 small purple onion (thinly sliced)

2 cloves garlic (crushed)

1/2 cup basil leaves (loosely torn) plus extra basil to garnish

Rind of 1 lemon

60 mL extra virgin olive oil

Sea salt and freshly ground pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  2. Cut the tops off the capsicums in a circle to make a lid OR cut in half length-wise. Carefully scrape out the seeds and pith.
  3. Place cut capsicums onto a lined baking tray and drizzle lightly with half the olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.
  4. In a small bowl combine ricotta, cherry tomatoes, garlic, purple onion, lemon rind and basil leaves.
  5. Stuff cheese mixture into the cut capsicum, place capsicum ‘lids’ on top (if using this method) and drizzle with remaining olive oil.
  6. Roast capsicum for 20–25 minutes.

Garnish roasted capsicums with remaining basil and season with cracked pepper to taste. Enjoy as a meal on its own or use as a colourful side dish!

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is an important part of keeping your eyes healthy. Read more about eating for eye health here.

Date last reviewed: 2020-07-24 | Date for next review: 2022-07-24

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