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Vision Eye Institute featured on the cover of Asia Outlook Magazine


We are excited to announce that we have been featured on the cover of the latest issue of Asia Outlook magazine – a digital and print publication dedicated to sharing the latest news, trends and success stories across the full range of industrial sectors, including healthcare and technology.

Issue 44 features an exclusive interview with Vision Eye Institute CEO and Managing Director James Thiedeman.

James explains how his fascination with the human body led him to a 30-year career in healthcare administration and management.

‘I was interested in the miracle of the human body from a very early age. I’ve always found the complexity and interdependence of the various anatomical and physiological features of the body to be amazing and perplexing.’

He also shares insights on how Vision Eye Institute came to be at the leading edge of ophthalmic care in Australia. James attributes the company’s success to its team of expert clinicians, innovative technology and strong research program.

Our primary motivation is to provide world-class specialist eye care to our patients. We are constantly striving to improve the patient journey, with a focus on meeting individualised needs and minimising friction points for patients and their carers.
How do we do this?

    1. We recognise that our people set the tone and demeanour when it comes to interacting with our patients and their loved ones. In fostering a positive workplace culture, we motivate our staff to deliver an exceptional experience for each patient.
    2. We employ simple measures to ensure we cater to each patient’s needs – from distilling complex information about eye disorders and available treatments into plain English on our website, to offering select patients the option of booking appointments online and receiving virtual post-consultation and post-surgical care.
    3. We are beginning to harness the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence to assess diagnostics. We will build on the vast realms of clinical data to assist our brilliant ophthalmologists and clinical support staff in making informed treatment choices.

‘One’s eyesight is extremely precious and personal… and the impact of losing one’s sight is enormous. We need to be very aware of each person’s particular circumstances in the context of how their eyesight is deteriorating and how that deterioration will impede their daily lives.’

You can find the latest Asia Outlook issue, including our feature article (pp 20–31) and more from other industry leaders in healthcare, technology and manufacturing, here.

Interested in reading our company profile? Click here.

The information on this page is general in nature. All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks. Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.

Date last reviewed: 2024-06-07 | Date for next review: 2026-06-07

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