If you’re unsure whether laser eye surgery is right for you and want to check your eligibility, you can schedule a free laser suitability assessment with one of our friendly orthoptists or optometrists. They’ll assess the health of your eyes, inform you if you’re a suitable candidate for laser eye surgery, and answer any questions you may have, including those about our buy now, pay later payment options. Simply call 1800 1 LASER (1800 152 737) or use the booking form and select ‘Laser Suitability Assessment.’ The free assessment is optional and is not required before surgery.
Before proceeding with laser eye surgery, you will need a consultation with one of our surgeons. During this appointment, they will discuss the procedure in detail and conduct additional tests in preparation for your surgery. Our ophthalmologists will also answer any remaining questions and recommend the surgical procedure that best suits your eyes and lifestyle.
A consultation with an ophthalmologist attracts a fee. However, a Medicare rebate is available if you have a referral from an optometrist or GP.
Our highly experienced laser eye surgeons offer SMILE pro – the latest advancement in laser eye surgery – at our Melbourne laser eye clinic.
SMILE pro is a quick, gentle and minimally invasive approach, giving you freedom from glasses and contact lenses.
It is a one-step approach that uses the ZEISS VISUMAX® 800 laser – the latest generation of ZEISS femtosecond lasers.
The VISUMAX 800 provides a more comfortable experience for patients, with a surgical time of only 10 seconds per eye. This provides a comfortable experience for patients.
SMILE pro is an alternative to LASIK and PRK/ASLA for patients with regularly shaped corneas. It can also be used for patients who have high myopia (short-sightedness) and astigmatism.
SMILE pro laser eye surgery also impacts the corneal nerves less than other forms of vision correction surgery. For this reason, this procedure could be a more appropriate option for people at risk of or suffering mild dry eye.
SMILE laser eye surgery also has a speedy recovery time which allows patients to quickly return to their regular activities, including contact sports.
SMILE laser eye surgery will not be a treatment option for all patients. To understand if SMILE laser eye surgery is appropriate for you, book a free laser eye surgery assessment at our Melbourne or Blackburn clinics.
If you’re ready to proceed with surgery you can request a consultation with a Vision Eye Institute Melbourne laser eye surgeon.
As with LASIK, you will need a thorough assessment of your eyes by an experienced laser eye surgeon, including tests such as corneal mapping, vision and prescription testing, eye pressure and pupil dilation. All these tests are easy and pain-free.
On the day of your surgery, you will be in the clinic for approximately 2 hours. The procedure itself takes about 20 minutes, with only 10 seconds of laser-on time per eye.
You will be given local anaesthetic drops to numb your eyes and if you are feeling anxious, a mild sedative will be offered to you.
Your surgeon will keep you informed of what’s going on at all times, including telling you when the procedure is about to start and where to look.
Due to the numbing eyedrops, you will not feel any pain, though you may feel mild pressure on your eye.
After surgery, you will rest in the recovery room for about half an hour, while your eyes adjust and the sedative wears off (if you have taken one).
You will need to be accompanied home by a friend or relative, where you will need to rest for the remainder of the day.
When you are discharged, you will be given eye drops to use at home. It is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions exactly.
Your surgeon will check in with you by phone the next day to make sure you are recovering well.
You will be surprised to hear that many people can see well the next day. However, it generally takes a few weeks for your vision to completely stabilise.
You should be able to return to work and driving two or three days after your SMILE pro surgery.
To learn more about SMILE laser eye surgery, check out our dedicated laser eye surgery page.
Our Melbourne laser eye surgeons use LASIK eye surgery as a treatment for refractive errors such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism.
LASIK eye surgery is a two-step procedure that uses two different lasers to correct refractive errors by reshaping the cornea. This type of operation leads to less discomfort during healing compared to other forms of laser eye surgery (e.g. ASLA/PRK surgery).
Our Melbourne laser eye surgeons utilise highly sophisticated technology to perform LASIK surgery – the SCHWIND AMARIS 1050RS laser. This is the only excimer laser system that operates at 1,050 Hz and comes with active 7D eye tracking. This means all eye movements are tracked, recorded and compensated for approximately 1,050 times per second during surgery. This technology allows patients to have a quicker, more comfortable experience during LASIK eye surgery.
LASIK eye surgery is not painful. Patients sometimes report feeling a sensation of mild pressure in their eyes during surgery. You will be given local anaesthetic drops and a mild sedative before surgery to help manage discomfort.
LASIK surgery takes around 20 minutes for both eyes. However, you can expect to be in the clinic for approximately two hours.
Before LASIK eye surgery, you will need to have a comprehensive consultation with a surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will thoroughly assess your eyes by performing tests such as corneal mapping, vision and prescription testing, eye pressure and pupil dilation. All tests performed at this consultation are easy and painless.
In preparation for surgery, you will be required to stop wearing eye makeup for 1–2 days before the surgery, gently and thoroughly washing your eyelids and lashes in the days leading up to LASIK surgery to ensure they are clean and free of residue. You will also need to stop using perfumes and refrain from using any lotions or moisturisers on your face.
Contact lens wearers will also be required to stop wearing their contacts at least one week for soft contact lenses, and 3–4 weeks for hard/rigid contact lenses. Lastly, you will need to organise a carer to accompany you home on the day of your surgery as you will not be permitted to drive, or to travel home alone.
The most important component of post-LASIK care is rest. On the evening of your surgery, you will need to rest your eyes and keep them closed. Ensure you have plenty of audio entertainment to keep you occupied while you recover (music, podcasts and audiobooks are all good options!).
You will also be provided with goggles or eye shields to wear while sleeping on the first few nights, to ensure you don’t rub your eyes. In fact, you will need to totally avoid rubbing your eyes for 7 days after surgery.
You will also be given medicated eye drops to use after surgery. It’s important to use these as directed by your surgeon
While the recovery from LASIK is relatively quick – you may be back at work as soon as the next day – you may experience some minor discomfort after surgery. Many people experience dryness or grittiness of the eye for a few weeks after surgery. The eye drops you were given by your surgeon should help with this.
Additionally, it’s normal for vision to fluctuate in the days and weeks after surgery or to see visual disturbances like halos around lights. This should pass in time.
Laser eye surgery is a routine procedure. However, no surgery is wholly without risk. No-one has ever gone blind from LASIK surgery in Australia. Serious complications are rare and occur in 1–2% of people. The chance of having a sight-threatening complication is very small (considerably less than 1%).
Side-effects occur in around 20% of people and are mostly minor, such as dry eyes that need to be managed with drops, or a less-than-expected visual outcome that requires an enhancement procedure.
For more information about LASIK eye surgery, visit our laser eye surgery Services page.
Although the majority of vision correction procedures are now LASIK eye surgery, advanced surface laser ablation (ASLA), also known as photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), still plays a role, especially for patients with thin or unusual corneas. It can be used to treat short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism.
Our Melbourne laser eye surgeons offer both standard PRK and a ‘no-touch’ PRK treatment (also known as transPRK).
For more information about ASLA/PRK eye surgery, visit our laser eye surgery service page.
In this procedure, the laser eye surgeon corrects one eye (usually the dominant one) for distance vision and the other eye for reading/near vision. Overall, the images from both eyes are processed by the brain as one blended image. Monovision can be achieved using laser eye surgery (e.g. LASIK surgery or ASLA) or artificial lenses (e.g. replacement lenses or implantable phakic lenses).
Most people who have monovision find they adjust within a matter of days and can minimise their use of glasses. Before the procedure, our Melbourne laser eye surgeons will usually get you to trial a set of contact lenses to make sure you can adapt to this change.
At Vision Eye Institute, a detailed quote with the full cost will be provided during your laser consultation after we check the health of your eyes and determine which procedure is recommended for your individual situation.
As a rough guide, laser eye surgery costs approx. $6,500 for both eyes (this pricing is current as of 28 November 2024 and is subject to change). However, it’s important to understand the true value of your laser eye surgery. This means knowing what type of laser eye surgery you are having (e.g. SMILE pro, LASIK surgery or ASLA/PRK), the experience of your surgeon and clinic staff, and whether there are any additional costs (e.g. medications, enhancement procedures, theatre fees).
We also offer payment plans for laser eye surgery through our partnership with humm and Latitude (Ts&Cs apply, see the FAQ below).
Read our cost of laser eye surgery article to understand why different providers charge different fees. And use our cost calculator to find out how much you can save compared to a lifetime of glasses and contact lens use.
We offer buy now, pay later (BNPL) payment options for laser eye surgery only, in partnership with humm and Gem Visa.
humm* provides interest-free payment plans you can repay over time. Learn more about humm
Latitude Gem Visa† may be available for laser eye surgery procedures (credit limit subject to approval). Latitude Gem Visa offers interest-free payment plans, low monthly account fees and fast approval. Learn more about Latitude
*Payment plan approved applicants only. $8 monthly fee plus other fees, terms, conditions, minimum amounts and exclusions apply. For full terms & conditions please go to https://www.shophumm.com/au/important-information/. Payment plan provided by humm BNPL Pty Limited (ABN 28 129 228 986) a subsidiary of humm group limited.
†Approved customers only. Conditions, fees and charges apply. Credit provided by Latitude Finance Australia ABN 42 008 583 588 Australian Credit Licence number 392145.
Medicare does not rebate any of the cost of laser eye surgery, however many health insurers will cover some or all of the cost. You will need to check with your health insurer as to whether your level of cover includes rebates for laser eye surgery.
For example, BUPA’s Ultimate Health Cover offers 100% cover for laser eye surgery (3-year waiting period applies). For your convenience, we also invoice the cost of your laser eye procedure (LASIK surgery or PRK) directly to BUPA, meaning you have nothing to pay upfront.* Contact BUPA to find out if you qualify (phone 134 135 or visit their website).
Medibank members with selected extras and packaged covers can receive 15% off surgical fees if they have their laser eye procedure performed at Vision Eye Institute (does not include consultation fees or diagnostic tests).
When comparing providers, make sure you get an accurate indication of all charges that you will incur before, during and after your laser eye procedure (including enhancement or follow-up procedures).
Read our article about the cost of laser eye surgery.
Choosing your laser eye surgeon is an important decision. To maximise the outcome of your laser eye surgery, we recommend selecting a highly experienced surgeon who has access to the latest technologies. Our Melbourne laser eye specialists have performed thousands of laser eye procedures, and our dedicated laser suite is equipped with state-of-the-art laser technology.
We will administer anaesthetic (numbing) eye drops immediately prior to your laser eye surgery. When you choose an experienced surgeon and a reputable clinic for your surgery, you should not feel pain during the surgery. However, we understand laser eye surgery can be daunting and therefore offer a sedative prior to surgery.
We understand you may have concerns around recovery during Melbourne’s cold and flu season. However, there is no evidence to suggest this poses a risk to laser eye surgery recovery. Climate also does not impact laser eye surgery recovery.
We offer various alternative vision correction solutions, such as replacement lens exchange. Book in for a comprehensive assessment to learn which alternatives are appropriate for you.
At our Melbourne clinics, we offer LASIK eye surgery and ASLA/PRK surgery, both of which correct astigmatism. Our laser eye specialists at Vision Eye Institute have received both local and international regard for their expertise in treating all refractive errors, including astigmatism. To discuss treatment options for your astigmatism, book a comprehensive eye assessment with one of our highly experienced surgeons.
Our recommendations for post-surgery care are the same year-round. They include:
- wearing a protective device such as an eye shield immediately after your laser eye surgery
- avoiding rubbing your eyes for a week after your surgery
- administering eye drops, and
- staying in environments that have clean air free from smoke, dust, and chemical irritants.
Our Melbourne laser eye surgeons are some of the most reputed and highly experienced both nationally and worldwide. They would be delighted to provide you with a second opinion.
Individuals between 18 and 55 years old are eligible for laser eye surgery such as SMILE pro or LASIK eye surgery. However, if you’re over 55 you may still be able to receive laser eye surgery. Book in for a comprehensive assessment with one of our laser eye surgeons to find out whether you are suitable for laser eye surgery.
You are likely to be unsuitable for laser eye surgery if you:
- are under 18 or over 55 years of age
- do not experience short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia) and/or astigmatism (imperfection in the eye’s curvature that results in distorted vision)
- have unstable vision
- have poor eye health or general health, or
- are pregnant or breastfeeding.
However, If you are over 55 you may still be able to receive laser eye surgery, or you may be eligible for other vision correction options. Book a consultation with one of our vision correction surgeons to discuss which treatment options are appropriate for you.
Across our Melbourne clinics, we offer premium technologies and facilities. This includes the SMILE pro laser eye surgery equipment at our Melbourne laser eye clinic. SMILE pro represents the latest generation of laser eye surgery. It is a quick, gentle and minimally invasive approach, giving you freedom from glasses and contact lenses.
SMILE pro laser eye surgery is a one-step procedure that uses the VISUMAX 800 laser. The VISUMAX 800 allows for a fast and comfortable patient experience, with less than 10 seconds of laser-on time per eye.
The computer-guided, highly focused laser creates a lens-shaped disc of tissue within the cornea (referred to as a lenticule) before making a sub-3 mm keyhole entry point. The size and shape of the lasered cornea corresponds precisely to your refractive error.
The lenticule is removed through the incision.
Across our Melbourne clinics, we offer premium technologies and facilities. This includes the LASIK laser eye surgery equipment at our state-of-the-art Melbourne laser eye clinic. LASIK laser eye surgery is a two-step procedure that uses two separate lasers:
- ALCON femtosecond laser – this creates a thin flap of corneal tissue that remains attached to the eye by a ‘hinge’
- SCHWIND AMARIS excimer laser – this reshapes the corneal bed underneath the corneal tissue flap with microscopic precision to correct your vision.
Both lasers used in LASIK laser eye surgery at our Melbourne clinic are pre-programmed to your specific eye measurements and include infrared eye tracking technology. This technology adjusts the laser beam in real time to the tiny movements of your eyes.
LASIK laser eye surgery is one of the speediest vision correction services available. At our Melbourne clinic, LASIK laser eye surgery takes around 20 minutes. Due to the setup involved, you will be in the procedure room for approximately 2 hours.
The prospect of surgery can be daunting. Fortunately, laser eye surgery, including LASIK laser eye surgery is painless. Some patients report a sensation of pressure. However, there is no pain. At our Melbourne clinic, we also provide anaesthetic eyedrops and a mild sedative before your procedure.
Of the laser eye surgeries we offer across Melbourne, LASIK laser eye surgery has the quickest recovery times. Typically, you can return to work the day after your procedure. Please note you need to wait two weeks before swimming and one month before resuming contact sports.
We will schedule follow-up appointments for you at one of our Melbourne clinics with your LASIK laser eye surgeon to monitor the recovery of your eyes and provide personalised advice.
LASIK laser eye surgery is a safe procedure with minimal side effects. However, all treatments pose risks. The potential risks of LASIK laser eye surgery include:
- Over- or under-correction of your vision – this is uncommon and we offer free enhancement procedures to refine your vision if needed
- Loss of visual sharpness – post-LASIK laser eye surgery, a few patients experience a reduction in the quality of their vision as their eyes heal; loss of visual sharpness occurs infrequently and usually resolves within six months of LASIK laser eye surgery
- Dry eye – some patients will experience dry eyes after LASIK laser eye surgery, but this usually resolves as your eyes recover
- Poor corneal flap healing – the corneal flap we create during LASIK laser eye surgery can shift out of place and affect eye healing. To prevent this, follow your post-operative instructions and avoid rubbing your eyes, swimming and contact sports.
No one in Australia has become blind from laser eye surgery. Vision Eye Institute Melbourne has been operating since 2001 and has zero recorded infections from any laser eye surgery, including LASIK.
In your pre-surgical appointment, your surgeon will provide you with instructions to prepare for your LASIK laser eye surgery. Some general guidance to help you prepare includes:
- Avoid the use of contact lenses and use glasses instead the week before your procedure
- Avoid wearing eye makeup, creams, perfumes and lotions one to two days before your procedure
- Avoid the use of screens and reading the night before your procedure
- Wear something warm and comfortable on the day of your LASIK laser eye surgery – it can get cold in the laser suite
- Organise for a friend, family member or carer to take you home from our Melbourne clinic after your LASIK laser eye surgery.
Of all laser eye surgeries, LASIK has the fastest recovery period. Usually, patients can return to their daily activities the next day. After LASIK laser eye surgery:
- Spend the rest of your day resting at home
- Use your eye drops as prescribed for at least one week after your LASIK laser eye surgery
- Wear the eye shields you have received for a few nights to prevent eye rubbing while you sleep
- Avoid rubbing your eyes or wearing eye makeup for one week after LASIK laser eye surgery
- Avoid swimming for two weeks after your LASIK laser eye surgery
- Avoid contact sports for one month after LASIK laser eye surgery
- Attend your first post-operative appointment and have your new vision assessed
- Make an appointment with your licensing centre to re-sit your visual exam and update your licence – most LASIK laser eye surgery patients can now drive without visual aids.